Friday, October 13, 2006

"Casual" Vermont & etc.

"Wendy hasn't showered in two days; this is Vermont. I was informed things are very different here."

Just for the record people in my Vermont shower regularly, it's the people that live in Burlington that like to offer up personal hygene as their sacrificial worship to their god of ecological conservatism. If you really work for a living, like many farmers and others involved in physical labor, it's almost impossible to not take a shower and still feel like a respectable human. In other Hotel news we have the following story:

(names have been changed to protect the guilty)
"Can I get a bellman to let a guest into room 323, they left their key in the room."
"Fred, can you take that call? Make sure you check with the Front Desk and that the guest's ID matches name on the room reservation."
... a few minutes go by...
"Paul, the Front Desk is busy and so they couldn't look up the name for me."
"OK, I'll go check for you."
"The last name is Orange. O-R-A-N-G-E"
"OK, thanks."
"So how did that go?"
"Oh, the lady left her wallet and everything in the room."

about an hour later....
"Hey Paul, can you tell your guys to keep an eye out for this elderly Asian woman. She's a little short, and she's carrying a pillow with her. Al took the other van around the block to see if she's wandered off. Her husband and son said she wandered off and might be a little disoriented. They're in room 223."
"223? Hmm, Fred just brought a lady up to a room a little while ago, but I think it was 323. He told me that she had her ID in the room."
"Well, let's go up and check it out just to make sure."

....out side the door of room 323
Knock Knock Knock!
"Hello?" A petite Asian woman answers the door, looking somewhat surprised or confused.
"Hi Ma'am, are you alright in there?"
"Yes, my husband and my son should be back shortly."
"Oh, I believe they're actually waiting for you downstairs in 223."
"Oh my, I'm sorry."
"That's ok, we'll bring you back down there. Uh, did you have a pillow with you?"
"Oh yes I did, thank you." The Asian woman goes back into the room to retreive the pillow.
"701 - Located. She was in room 323" Jesse remarks over the radio
"Well, we're gonna have to have a conversation about how that happened." Al replies.

...outside of 223
Knock Knock Knock!
"Oh mom!!!" the younger man smiles with delight. "Thank you guys so much."
Door closes.
"I'm just wondering how she got the ID for that other room. I mean, did the real guest have their wallet laying on the table, and did she just walk in and show it to Fred?"
"Oh man, I hope she still doesn't have the wallet with her!"
"you wanna go back to the room and see if it looks like there's anything missing. I'll go downstairs and talk to Fred and see what happened."
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm wondering if maybe she showed the wrong ID of if she showed any at all."
"Well, he told you that he saw the ID, right?"
"Yeah, but maybe he didn't do and then when I asked him about it he just lied to me....."
"Conversation had." Al interjects over the radio.

So it turns out "Fred" didn't see the ID at all. He let the woman into the room to get it, but then she scowled at him and asked him, rudely, if she could close the door now, and he just sort of cowered out. Earlier this week Fred put luggage into the wrong room, so it naturally makes sense that he might also put people in the wrong room.


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