Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Serguy's Energy Drinks

" wanna mix up some magic potion for me?"
"Yeah, you might need a couple of those to wake up here, buddy"
"Well I don't have Serguy here anymore to make those energy drinks that contains God-knows-what"

I was in PBX today and I couldn't help but burst out laughing after I heard the previous exhange over the radio between the Banquet manager and the set-up supervisor

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dry Humor

During my lunch break at the hotel I saw a short segment on CNN about a couple of U.K. Firemen who decided to put one of their fellow fighters into the industrial sized clothes dryer at the fire station. The anchor presenting the story hapened to be an attractive red head (Shannon Cook) who I hadn't seen before. She got a tingle more attractive when she opened her mouth and in a lovely melody of a Brittish accent proceeded to give the following, wonderfully classic and modest stamp of Brittish wit;

"Well I guess in this case having a dry sense of humor at work didn't work out so hot."

This line wins in the category of "Best Pun of the Day"

Maine Island?

"Why doesn't Maine float off into the ocean and become an island?"
"Because New Hampshire sucks."

This hotelism, actually didn't come from the hotel, but I heard it earlier today from a fellow Vermonner.

A Good bike

"Here she is. She might not look like much, but she's been on some of the best bike rides of my life."

"A good bike is like a good woman;
As long as you love her, it doesn't seem to matter what anyone else thinks."

Can I go too?

"Dennis can you go down to the kitchen to catch a bat?"
"What? Another one?"
"Oh! Oh! Can I go too?"

Monday, August 07, 2006

Brawny Man

"And that's why I started the Brawy Academy. It's a place wives can send husbands to -- clean up their act."

At lunch the other day I saw this spoof of the Brawny Papertowel Man touting his school of manners and sensitivity training.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The only smooth paved surface in Vermont

"All the roads are pretty bumpy."
"Yeah, I have a friend who once said, 'Ya know, the Burlington Bike path has got to be the only smooth paved surface in all of Vermont' ."
"Yeah, he might be right about that one."

Also today I heard the phrase "Are we still waiting for peeps?" used. Somewhat normal slang. But quite uncommon language for a middle-aged buisiness man - when talking to yet another, middle-aged buisiness man.

Earlier this week:
"So, I hear you've been the butt of everyone's jokes lately."
"Yeah, it just goes in one ear and out the other."
"Well I suppose it makes it easier, when there's nothign inbetween to stop it, huh?"