Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'll take Bangkok over Burlington

"Can you tell me how to get to the Chittenden Bank?"
"Oh yes, sir! The Chittenden Bank building is directly behind the hotel, if you just..."
"Yes I know that!" he remarked sharply, "But how do I get to it?!?! I've been to big cities all over - I can find my way around New York City, or Bangkok - no problem. But for some reason Burlington has some real problem!"
"Well sir if you just park in our garage, on the top level you will be right next to the bank, and you can just walk in the door."
"OK! But is there any way that I can drive there?!?!?" his voice sounding more and more stressed.
"Yes," I tried to say in a calm & defensive manner, "if you want to drive there you can take a left out of the hotel, then the next left at that traffic light, then go up the hill for about two blocks and take another left the first chance you get and then the bank will be right there." While I thought to myself - but why would you wanna do that? Besides you're not gonna find a place to park any closer than our garage.
"What's the name of that street?"
"The bank will be there on the last left onto Pine St."
And so the man got back into his little red car with Massachusetts plates and drove off into the rush hour traffic.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sales people

The following excerpt was from a conversation between our General Manager and our Associate Director of Sales:

"I signed off on that travesty of an expense account you submitted."
"A Travesty of an expense account?"
"Yes, what was it with all the items listed on there?"
"Well, the people that I usually travel with on these things are a bit strange."
"Of course they are. They're sales people."

I snickered, and the General Manager leaned back to see me in my cubicle.
"C'mon Angie, Paul thought that was funny."

Ho, Ho, jose cuervo

"You must be Mr. O'Brien."
The man nods his head, while his flowing white beard covering up the fact that his belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly.
"My name is Santa." He replies in Holiday cheer, "so, please call me Santa."
Both of the girls at the front desk smiled.
"Here are some presents.. a little early..." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out two plastic rings with a cartoon Santa Clause on them. "I always keep some in my pocket for the children, you see."
"Thank you, Santa."
So Santa picks up his keys and walks away.
"Hehe," one of the girls giggled, "his name is even Kris."
"Hmmm," I replied. "I think he's the best Santa we've had yet."
"Oh does Santa always stay here?"
"Yes, and this is the first year that he didn't ask me where the nearest liquor store was."

Fancy places

The following Hotelism was actually a commercial for a local ISP that I heard on the radio on the way to the hotel.
"Po'ershift gives service all them places up there in the teekies. Most 'them other ISPs don't even know what the teekies is - they thinks is a torch er some'in. 'At's right, we provide in'nernet not jus' ta them big fancy towns that have a mall, like Morrisville or Newport..."

Tip envy

So I drive two Medical residents to the airport and after we get there and I get their luggage out the following exchange occurs:
"Hey man, do you ahve change?"
"Wow. You're the man with the change," said the same guest that had asked me for change the night before. "Just gimme two back. Is that good? You tell me bud, is three ok?"
"Yes, sir that's perfectly fine, thank you."
Then the other gentleman tips me as well.
"Hmmm," the first man hums, looking over at the second man. "What did you give him?"